HammerWars 3

No Purdue email but wish to attend in person? Sign up

What does it look like?

You'll be solving problems like this for a few hours. Fun, right? Some problems will be substantially harder and some will be easier, so everyone should be able to solve something and nobody should be able to solve everything (but please try!).

Ideally, you should be able to write C++ — competitive programming is dominated by C++ for its speed and standard library — but Python, Java, and a litany of other languages will work too. If you have time, try solving a couple Codeforces problems before attending HammerWars for a huge boost (if you're new, problems rated <1000 as shown in the problemset is a good place to start). The main contest will be hosted on Codeforces.


If you're one of the top teams, you could get:


Apr 6. 9 PMRegistrations close. Make sure you've submitted yours by then!
Apr 7. 12:45 PMCheck in at LILY 1105 (the big lecture hall)
1:15 PMDemonstration contest
2:00 PMMain contest begins
6:00 PMContest ends, solutions released and pizza distributed
6:45 PMResults and prize ceremony
7:00 PMHammerWars 3 is over 😭

Join the Discord for updates! We will also email everyone with more details before the contest.

Last year,

We collaborated with Purdue Hackers and several sponsors to host an exhilarating contest for 180 participants with $2000 in prizes, free shirts, and more.

More photos and retrospective

And this year, we were abandoned by Purdue Hackers and we only have $800 in prizes we want to improve the contest experience by fostering collaboration and creating better problems.

Proudly hosted by the

competitive programmers union